For some, enjoying a cigar during a round of golf is part of the experience. However, as with everything else on the golf course, there are unwritten rules that should be followed to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable day out on the course. Here are some important tips for maintaining good cigarette etiquette while playing golf.
Know Your Co-Players
Whether you're out playing alone or just having a quick nine-hole round, what you do with your cigars is up to you. But when playing with a partner or in a group, it's important to know what they think about cigar smoking. Ask if anyone minds if you light a cigar before you do. If someone expresses discomfort, try to find a solution. For example, switch carriages if you are paired with someone who dislikes the smoke. Let them know you will stay one step behind or ahead of them. Most people expect there to be smoking on the golf course, so it shouldn't be a big problem. On the other hand, bring enough cigars to share with your group.
Bring a Good Lighter
Most of the time it's a bit windy on the golf course, and matches are not very reliable then. Plus, you don't want to have to worry about where to dispose of the matches when you're done with them. Littering the golf course is not an option. The best choice of lighter is some kind of storm lighter. It can handle the wind with no problem, and if you've brought enough cigars for your buddies, you'll quickly be able to light everyone's cigars.

Know Your Surroundings
Pay attention to those around you and where your smoke and ash go. You don't want to be standing in the wind blowing smoke right in someone's face, especially if they are putting or hitting their stroke. Likewise, you don't want to throw ashes too close to someone or into the wind, which could accidentally hit someone.
Protect the Green
Make sure you don't mess with the green - leave it clean and tidy for the next golfer. And you definitely don't want to throw your cigar away anywhere on the course when you're done. The best thing is to let it go out on its own or moisten it a little and then throw it in the trash when possible. No one wants to play on a course with cigar butts scattered everywhere.
Where Should You Put Your Cigar?
This is a challenge for many golfers - where do you put your cigar when you're about to hit a shot? If you can keep it in your mouth and it doesn't affect your stroke, it's the best option, plus it looks pretty manly. If that doesn't work, try to find a safe place in the cart, either in an ashtray or a cup holder. If you want to put it on the grass in the tee box or on the fairway, that's fine. But as mentioned before, don't put it down on the green while putting. You don't want to leave ash on the green for the next golfer. The most important thing is that you don't put it somewhere where it gets in the way of someone else or where you risk forgetting where you put it.
Fire safety
Remember... Only YOU can prevent wildfires. It's best to check the wildfire warnings the day you plan to go out to play golf. If there is a medium to high risk of fire, it is safer to save the cigars for next time. Use common sense when out and about; if it's windy and dry, don't take the risk.
Following these simple guidelines will ensure that both you and your fellow players can enjoy a great day on the golf course, with or without a cigar.
Buy our cigar holder for the golf course.