Michael Jordan springer efter en glad golfare som ser ut att försöka likna ett flygplan. De befinner sig på en golfbana.

The most memorable golf stories about Michael Jordan

Most people know of Michael Jordan's impressive career as a basketball player, but he also has a strong passion for golf. Jordan has participated in several celebrity and charity tournaments over the years and has shown his talent on the golf course. Here are some of the most memorable golf stories about Michael Jordan.

One of the most memorable moments was when Jordan made "The Shot" during a charity tournament in 2015. He hit a 50-yard chip shot that hit the flagpole and went into the cup. Jordan reacted by exclaiming "That's why I'm rich!" with a large dose of humor and self-confidence.

Another memorable event was when Jordan bet $100,000 that he could hit a drive farther than Charles Barkley during a round of golf in the 1990s. Barkley accepted the bet, but Jordan easily won the bet. This is one of many examples of Jordan's competitive instincts and confidence.
A black golf bag with a red and white golf towel is leaning against a bench on the golf course.

Jordan is also known for smoking cigars on the golf course and even has a character named after him in a line of golf paraphernalia, "The Cigar Guy."

After retiring from basketball in 2003, Jordan was employed as the general manager of the Washington Wizards. After a bad game, he decided to practice golf instead of going to the team's next practice. His decision to prioritize golf over basketball led to some criticism, but Jordan himself remained calm and defended his decision by saying he was on vacation.

Jordan's official handicap is not known to the public, but it is rumored to be around 1.9. This would indicate that he is a very skilled golfer, as a handicap of 1.9 is considered an elite level of play.

Michael Jordan did many memorable things on the golf course. His confidence and competitive instincts have helped make him a respected and valued golfer. Whether it's hitting impressive shots, betting high or simply enjoying a cigar on the course, Jordan has proven that he has what it takes to make a strong impact on the golf world.
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